7 Strategies To Support Your Addiction Recovery Journey In 2022

trusted New Jersey drug and alcohol detox center suggests

If you’ve been in recovery from a substance use problem, you already know how hard it was to get there, and you’ll want to avoid relapse at all costs.

Relapse may appear to be the worst thing that could happen to you, but it is actually rather common among people who are new to recovery.

Ascendant, the trusted New Jersey drug and alcohol detox center suggests many ways you can support yourself in addiction recovery. Even if nobody is there to hold your hand, you can find a way out of this darkness.

This article defines sobriety and describes tactics that can help you maintain your sobriety in the long run. It also includes advice on dealing with the difficulties you’ll experience on your road to recovery.

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What Is Sobriety?

Sobriety is defined as not being under the effect of any substance. However, the term is frequently used in a variety of settings.

Sobriety, according to many 12-step programs, Sobriety is complete abstinence and never taking the substance again.

On the other hand, other definitions frequently emphasize the recovery process and the development of coping strategies and routines that support long-term health and wellness. Although total abstinence may be the objective, setbacks are inevitable.

How To Support Yourself In Addiction Recovery?

You may not feel okay right now about the whole situation right now, but it will get better sooner or later. Once you find out the right ways to deal with your recovery, you can stay a step ahead in the curve so let’s find out about them here:

1: Identify Your Personal Triggers

Understanding your external triggers, such as places, people, things, that stimulate thoughts connected with substance use, as well as your internal triggers, is an important aspect of preventing relapse.

You can design a plan to prepare for or prevent your main risks once you’ve identified them. The following are some examples of popular triggers:

  • Environmental indicators.
  • Stress.
  • Distressed emotions.
  • Problems with your job or finances.
  • Problems in a relationship.

2: Find The Warning Signs

A relapse can sneak up on you if you aren’t paying attention to the warning symptoms.

A relapse has three phases: emotional, mental, and physical. It starts long before you actually pick up a drink or a drug.

Relapse warning indicators include:

  • Returning to compulsive thought processes.
  • Engaging in self-defeating, compulsive activities.
  • Looking for instances with persons who utilize drugs and drink.
  • Thinking less logically.

3: Avoid Old Habits

It seems to be the reason that if you stop using your drug of choice but keep doing the same things, hanging out with the same people, and going to the same places, it will be much simpler to revert to your old patterns and behaviors.

Some of the immediate changes you’ll need to make will be evident, such as not hanging out with the people you used to use with or from whom you received drugs. After all, you can’t expect to stay sober for very long if you hang out with your drug dealer or old drinking companions.

You might need to alter your commute to work or home to avoid triggers, such as people, places, or things that make you want to use drugs. You can even enroll in a health and wellness centre and indulge in new holistic activities which can help you avoid the old habits with new habits like physical therapy, yoga, meditation. Plus, these activities can also help you with quicker recovery.

4: Deal With PAWS

The term ‘post-acute withdrawal syndrome’ refers to withdrawal symptoms beyond the detox period. Irritability, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and sleep issues are common symptoms linked to mood.

PAWS can persist anywhere from six months to two years after you quit using drugs or alcohol, depending on the type of dependency.

If you’re not careful, the symptoms associated with PAWS might become a roadblock to recovery. Therefore, it’s crucial to know when to seek help and be able to notice them.

If your PAWS is severe or you’re having long-term symptoms, a medical practitioner can help you work through them, so you don’t relapse.

5: Form Healthy Relationships

You may have realized that some of your previous relationships were not only unhealthy but also toxic now that you are clean. It’s not just your drinking companions and drug dealers who can get you in trouble; occasionally, your closest friends and family members can help you relapse.

You may have created a codependent relationship with a family member, friend, or employer who may have been unwittingly helping you.

According to studies, maintaining these types of toxic relationships increases your chances of relapsing. Therefore, it’s critical to build good relationships to avoid relapse and stay sober.

6: Make Amends With Past

Most people who achieve recovery have left a trail of grief and suffering in their wake. During active addiction, it’s acceptable and healthy to feel guilty or ashamed for past behavior or acts.

Shame is defined as a set of negative beliefs about oneself and one’s worth. Guilt is when you feel bad about something you did in the past. For example, people in recovery may feel ashamed of themselves for becoming addicted in the first place.

However, if these feelings become overwhelming, they may prevent you from recovering. Your relationship problems may lead you to a divorce, but the emotional burden of a divorce is not good for you when you are in recovery.

7: Ask For Help

If you’re having trouble making new sober friends, consider attending a support group. Spending more time supporting loved ones and planning family activities can help you build a better lifestyle and avoid circumstances where you might ordinarily drink or take drugs.

It’s also crucial to seek professional aid from a therapist. A mental health expert can assist you in dealing with some of the difficulties you’ll encounter on your road to recovery.

A therapist can assist you in developing new coping strategies, thinking patterns and addressing any co-occurring mental health disorders that may complicate your recovery.

Closing Thoughts

Most people who recover also discover that they have emotionally wounded friends and loved ones and numerous regrets over prior decisions.

To avoid relapse and maintain your sobriety, you must take the necessary steps to learn from your mistakes and begin living a more responsible life.

If you want more help from us, let us know in the comment section below. We will get back to you with an answer shortly.


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