How to Build a Workout Routine at Home for Beginners: 10 Easy Tips

Tips for good Health

Let’s not sugarcoat it: trainers and Gym subscriptions can be pricey, especially if you’re a beginner. Dedicated and truly trained gym and fitness trainers would give you drastic changes tailored to you but it, of course, comes with a hefty price tag.

But let that not discourage you from pursuing your journey towards better physical health. As we emerge from a pandemic with stay-at-home orders and gyms and parks closing, online workout classes, programs, and training have emerged in replacement of gyms. And as expected, it works!

The fitness industry has proven itself to be adaptable as it successfully reinvents itself to be accessible online throughout the pandemic. So now you wouldn’t have to worry about sweating yourself off in front of 20 other strangers – sweat it out at home!

Of course, none of these workout programs online are one size fits all. There’s a huge variety of workout programs online, from free to paid, for every need and concern you have. No one knows you better than you, so why not make a workout routine tailored to you?

So, read on for 10 tips on building a workout routine at home for you. It’s through understanding your concerns and needs do you get to benefit the most out of a workout.

10 Tips on building a workout routine at Home

Ask yourself: what are your goals?

The most crucial step is to be kind to yourself. This is a big change not only for you but also for your home and schedule. Are you working out to bulk up? To lose weight? Gain weight? Or is it to simply maintain your current lifestyle? It’s all up to you.

Whatever your goals are, it’s essential to know them by writing them down and being aware of the outcomes. Make sure your goals are specific, realistic, and attainable to you – remember, it’s for you by you. It is with these goals in mind do you then shape your workout routine around.

Tailor it to your own time

Now that you have figured out what your goals and workout routine are, it’s time to schedule your workouts. Working out once a day for at least half an hour is fine but working out every day isn’t ideal when you work 9 to 5 with children and two dogs. To avoid draining yourself, pace yourself. Create your schedule for your workouts.

Using gadgets like a smartwatch is helpful to benefit the most from workouts and have time for breaks. They can track your working out time, heart rate, daily steps, and more!

Dedicate a space just for working out

When thinking of a home gym, many are quick to think of turning an entire room into a mini gym complete with mirrors, weights, and a treadmill. While you definitely can, it’s not a must – even dedicating a corner of your bedroom to working out is enough.

Your space should match your workout routine. For example, if you’re focusing on weights, a bigger room would fit all your weights and barbells. But a yoga mat at the corner of your room works just fine if your workout is to stay fit.

Dedicating a space just for working out has its advantage as you get to focus on just your health and fitness goals. But simultaneously, you are also creating a boundary for yourself in your home – never push yourself too much!

Decorate your space – have fun!

Your at-home gym or workout corner doesn’t have to be boring. Nowadays, gym and exercise equipment come in various colors and designs; some even have additional features none of us has thought of before.

Get yourself a sparkly yoga mat if you want to. Get a cute basket to store your equipment, too. Nowadays, jump ropes don’t even have a rope, so don’t worry about getting them tangled together.

Be resourceful

You’ve got a schedule and space all set up – now what? Be resourceful! Make use of all the paid or free workout classes and programs available to you online and pick and choose whatever fits your need. You don’t even have to open your laptop, just go on your iPhone and download fitness or workout apps. Some apps even offer a simple 5-minute workout to freshen yourself up.

Create your own workout

With all the resources at your fingertips, now it’s to tailor those workouts to suit you. Practicing yoga or just stretching is excellent for warming up your body in the beginning before following it up with different sets of exercises for your upper body, core, and lower body. No equipment, no problem – try focusing on bodyweight exercises instead to achieve similar results.

Get creative

And get creative with it! If it bores you, you don’t have to stick with the same routine for months. Feel free to switch it up anytime. You can also mix and match different sets of exercise, add a new exercise, try other online workout classes or apps weekly, or even workout at different times. Don’t be afraid to experiment because the world is your oyster!

Get your vitamin D

Sometimes working out indoors in your dedicated gym corner can be a little monotonous but who says working out at home must be inside? Bring it outdoors!

Set up your laptop outdoors for a workout session doused in vitamin D and music that you love if you have an outdoor space. Working out outdoors gives you a breath of fresh air and boosts your immunity as well. Of course, who wouldn’t want a mood booster while having the sunshine on you?

Take time to recover and relax

Even though you’re now working out from home, you can still take time for yourself to recover. Working out is still working out and takes a lot of energy, especially if done weekly. Remind yourself to take a day or two for recovery, especially after intense workout days. Resting is also a part of taking care of your health.

Keep it going

And most importantly is to keep it going. Now that you’ve had everything set up with a list of goals, a schedule, a dedicated space, and a workout routine, all you have to do is keep doing it. Consistency is the key to keeping yourself healthy.

While being consistent with your workout routine is the key, what’s most important is incorporating it into your lifestyle seamlessly. If it’s overwhelming on your first try, it’s okay – It’s a trial-and-error process too. So don’t feel discouraged and try again and again until you find a routine that fits you the most.


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